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Over the past 15 years our rehab centre in Cape Town has offered holistic therapy for substance abuse, which has helped thousands of people rebuild their lives and return home to their loved ones.

We treat people suffering from the chronic and progressive addiction to alcohol, heroin, cocaine, ecstasy, marijuana, tik, prescription drugs, as well as food, sex, gambling and other process addictions.


We build an individualised treatment programme for each and every client. In everything we do, the team at Harmony is professional, compassionate, welcoming, solution-orientated, non-judgmental and caring.

Our rehabilitation programme is globally aligned, scientifically proven and at the forefront of rehabilitation thinking, combining the treatment of mental health and substance abuse. This, supported by an ideal location and supportive staff, gives our clients the very best chance of making a full recovery the first time around.

10 Reasons clients agree Harmony Clinic is the #1 rehab in SOUTH AFRICA


We are a fully licensed facility in South Africa, able to treat clients with substance use disorders and/or mental health concerns, thereby focusing on all of the client’s needs.


We work hand in hand with our clients’ families, employers and referring professionals to enhance the chance of a success story.


We have over a decade of experience, giving people suffering from addiction the very best chance of recovery.


We are made up of leading psychiatrists, experienced detox GP’s, psychologists, occupational therapists, social workers, addiction councillors and registered nurses. Every team member represents what we stand for – caring, compassionate, professional, experienced and competent.


A big barrier to rehabilitation programmes is the cost. We work with most medical aids to cover rehabilitation and psychiatric treatment. This means you have access to the best care, without the prohibitive cost. What’s more, we will take care of all the administration and paperwork so you don’t have to.


We are one of the few facilities with a specialised medically managed detox unit with 24-hour care.


Our intention is to be the last rehabilitation facility a client will ever visit. They will either make a full recovery first time round or they will continue their recovery process with us. Either way, we are always here for them.


We are a fully licensed facility in South Africa, able to treat clients with substance use disorders and/or mental health concerns, thereby focusing on all of the client’s needs.


Based in the scenic valley of Hout Bay in Cape Town, Harmony offers comfortable accommodation, good food, a tennis court, gym and swimming pool. In addition, clients can enjoy the beautiful surroundings whilst taking walks on local beaches and mountain hikes. All included of the daily treatment programme.


Addiction is often linked to an underlying trauma. This is usually identified in the first few weeks of rehabilitation and we offer a secondary care programme focussing on resolving this trauma. Research shows that clients who spend a longer time in a rehabilitation programme, have a better chance of success and leading happy lives.

We strive to be your best chance of getting through this once and for all.


Our facility offers comfortable accommodation, with the option of a private room, good food, a tennis court, gym and swimming pool, as well as table tennis and pool in the games room. In addition, clients have access to our beautiful surroundings, including walks on the local beaches and nearby mountain hikes. All of this forms part of the daily treatment programme.

Harmony can be found in the beautiful village of Hout Bay. Our location is surrounded by mountains and the ocean, offering a tranquil environment for rehabilitation and making it one of the most picturesque rehabilitation centres in South Africa.



Yes, many medical aid schemes recognise that investing in drug and alcohol rehab is vital to keep clients healthy and reduce the long-term expenses associated with untreated addiction. Recovery therapy often requires substantial time and financial resources. Fortunately, medical aids include coverage for rehab in South Africa to minimise these costs.

At Harmony Clinic, a rehab clinic in South Africa, we are experienced in navigating various medical aid schemes. Our team consults with your provider to clarify your benefits, ensuring you receive accessible and effective treatment for yourself or your loved one.

The effectiveness of rehab depends on various factors, including the type of program, its duration, and individual needs. Research shows promising success rates for recovery. According to studies by the Butler Center for Research, between 85% and 95% of individuals who complete treatment remain abstinent from drugs nine months after discharge.

Approximately 70% maintain sobriety after six months, and 76% after three months, indicating long-term success. At Harmony Clinic, a drug rehab centre, our comprehensive care programs, including counselling, medical support, and follow-up, are tailored to help individuals achieve a better quality of life and maintain recovery in the long run.

Addiction can disrupt relationships, work, and overall health. Drug and alcohol rehabilitation offers a supportive path forward, empowering clients with the tools necessary for lasting recovery. Some key benefits of attending a rehab clinic include:

  • Counselling: A supportive, non-judgmental environment where clients learn effective coping strategies to face addiction realistically and confidently handle life’s challenges.
  • Medical Assistance: Detoxification can require medical assistance, especially for substances like alcohol that may cause severe complications. At our rehab centre, clients receive safe, supervised detox care.
  • Restoring Sociability: Addiction often isolates people, damaging relationships. At Harmony Clinic, a rehab clinic in South Africa, clients learn to socialise, rebuild connections, and restore relationships with family, friends, and fellow patients.

Attempting to manage detox and recovery alone can be dangerous, especially with alcohol addiction. Our rehab centre offers comprehensive support, ensuring clients regain purpose and safely recover.

Dual diagnosis means a person is managing both a substance use disorder and a co-occurring mental health condition, such as anxiety or depression. Treating both conditions simultaneously is vital for a sustained recovery. At Harmony Clinic, a dual-diagnosis drug rehab clinic in South Africa, we provide comprehensive psychiatric and substance abuse care.

Our integrated approach identifies underlying trauma that often drives addiction. With longer stays ranging from 21 days to 6 months onwards in our step-down facility, patients receive in-depth care tailored to their needs. Combining psychiatric and addiction treatment, we stabilise mental health while addressing substance abuse challenges to lay a strong foundation for full recovery.

Selecting the right drug rehab centre is crucial for recovery. Consider these factors:

  • Track Record: Choose a rehab clinic with a proven track record in addiction recovery, indicating years of success.
  • Licensing and Registration: Make sure the clinic is licensed and registered with health authorities to ensure quality standards.
  • Compassionate and Experienced Team: An empathetic, knowledgeable team can provide personalised care throughout recovery.
  • Medical Detox Unit: If alcohol or other substances are involved, detox may require medical supervision.
  • Holistic Approach: A facility that considers the influence of family, work, and social life on recovery can create practical strategies for lasting success.
  • Insurance or Medical Aid Coverage: Ensure the rehab centre accepts health insurance or medical aid to make treatment more accessible.

Harmony Clinic, a rehab clinic in South Africa, provides a compassionate, comprehensive approach to treatment, meeting all these criteria to ensure holistic patient care.

Treatment plans depend on addiction severity, personal circumstances, and patient needs. Inpatient rehab programs are immersive, providing a structured environment where clients live onsite and focus entirely on their recovery.

Outpatient programs are a flexible option for those balancing work or family while attending regular therapy sessions. At Harmony Clinic, a drug rehab centre, we help you navigate inpatient and outpatient treatment options to find a solution that fits your lifestyle, giving you the best chance of successful recovery.

Treatment plans depend on addiction severity, personal circumstances, and patient needs. Inpatient rehab programs are immersive, providing a structured environment where clients live onsite and focus entirely on their recovery.

Outpatient programs are a flexible option for those balancing work or family while attending regular therapy sessions. At Harmony Clinic, a drug rehab centre, we help you navigate inpatient and outpatient treatment options to find a solution that fits your lifestyle, giving you the best chance of successful recovery.

There is a strong link between trauma and addiction. Psychological trauma, often due to stressful or life-altering events, can lead to anxiety, fear, or depression. Many individuals resort to substances to escape emotional turmoil temporarily. Research shows that two-thirds of addicts experienced childhood abuse, linking traumatic events to later substance abuse.

Harmony Clinic, a rehab clinic in South Africa, offers trauma-focused counselling to identify and resolve unresolved issues. Our judgement-free environment provides clients with professional guidance to manage trauma and break the addiction cycle.

If you or a loved one is struggling with addiction, contact Harmony Clinic today. Our team will guide you on your journey to long-term recovery and a healthier, happier life at our rehab clinic in South Africa.

Our ambition is to be the final rehab facility that you or your loved one will need to visit, as we strive to be your best chance of getting through this once and for all.

Find out how we can start that journey together by getting in touch with our admissions team.


As a leading rehab centre based in Cape Town, we are here to support people struggling with addiction. How can we assist you?