The George Hospital. Nestled at the foot of the picturesque Outeniqua mountains, the town of George is the heart of the world-renowned Garden Route. Likewise, George Hospital, being a regional hospital, is the referral centre to all the hospitals in the Southern Cape/Karoo region...
Cnr Davidson & Langenhoven, Heatherlands George
Tel: 044 874 5122
George Lodge International is a landmark guesthouse in the bustling town of George, a favourite holiday destination on South Africa`s beautiful Garden Route. After two decades it has established an enviable reputation as one of the most popular accommodation establishments in...
88 Davidson Street, George
Tel: +27 44 874 6549
Cell/Mobile: + 27 82 374 5889
Fax: + 27 44 874 6549
George Local Municipality is located in the Western Cape province and falls within the Eden District, which is geographically the third-largest district within the Western Cape province. This district is informally known as the Garden Route, with George, its hub, nestled among th...
York Street George
Tel: (044) 801 9111
Anglo Boer War expo, Wood Museum Ruby Reeves watercolours, mechanical music instruments, many more. Home to the Southern Cape Herbarium.Open Monday - Friday 08:00-4:30Saturday 09-00 -12:30Closed Sundays & public holidays
Courtenay/York St Tel: 044-873 5343
Fax: 044-874-0354
The Girl-School course empowers girls aged 7 - 18 with age appropriate skills in personal care and grooming, self-image, respecting and loving her body, healthy friendships, etiquette, and so much more. Available in English & Afrikaans. Mainstream education is vital but not e...
Cell/Mobile: 083 344 0632
The thrill of quietly watching a herd of elephants stroll by, while sipping tea on the veranda of a stately colonial manor house is the unforgettable stuff of dreams. This exclusive lodge recaptures the romantic mystique of authentic safaris from centuries past. Experience th...
Addo Elephant Park
Tel: +27 (0) 44 501 1111
Fax: +27 44 532 7878
Gourikwa Reserve is without a doubt one of the most unique private reserves along the South African coastline in the Garden Route. The reserve is a true escape with 5km of pristine coastline, a rich variety of indigenous fauna and flora as well as boasting with facilities ranging...
15 Buffelshoek Gouritsmond
Cell/Mobile: 087 702 9126